Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Gator Bait

This is the fifth in a series of seven posts made during a 2017 US vacation. 

1. Joshua Tree
2. The Desert is Alive
3. Wide Open Spaces
4. Spring Flowers!
5. Gator Bait
6. Tornadoes and Car Trouble

7. Spirits in The Desert

We made it! A couple of days ago we were able to put our toes into the Atlantic ocean near Savannah Georgia. Since then, we moved on to canoe with a few hundred alligators and a ton of other birds and wildlife in the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (AMAZING, #1 Coolest place we've seen on this trip). See pics/videos and read about how I almost stepped on an alligator.

With all of our limbs accounted for, we're spending our last day at Jetty Park in Port Canaveral Florida. It's beautiful here, the weather is warm in the 80's but cool at night. The ocean is wonderfully warm and it's nice to be near the ocean again. The birds that hang out here are different and more abundant because of the warm water and the mixture of salt and fresh water.

NOTE: You may need to scroll to the right to see all of the map.

South Carolina

Hot boiled peanuts from Timbo in So. Carolina. My friend Frank (thanks Frank!) had mentioned something about boiled peanuts but it didn't register at the time. When we stopped for a short break from driving I turned around and there was Timbo! I liked the peanuts so much that I bought two pounds of the plain and another two pounds of the cajun style. The cajun was the best and I'm freaking out because I haven't seen any more for sale since.
Timbo's Hot Boiled Peanuts - Usually green (or dried) peanuts are boiled in a brine and served hot with or without Cajun spices etc. so yummy!


After avoiding any type of city like the plague I was able to talk Craig into visiting Savannah for a few hours for a historical walk. We really enjoyed the oak trees with Spanish moss and all of the old buildings.

The Atlantic Ocean near Savannah - Finally!
The Atlantic Ocean near Savannah - Finally!

Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge

If I had to sum up Okefenokee in one sentence I would say that it is an amazing wildlife-rich habitat. I felt like I had stepped back to a time before human history.
Notes: *The largest swamp in North America* Roughly 700 square miles* Cypress swamps, winding waterways, and floating peat mats
* 400+ species of vertebrates, 200+ varieties of birds and 60+ kinds of reptiles.* Subtropical climate, rainfall is approximately 50 inches a year 

We must have seen dozens and dozens of alligators. Really big old ones, medium ones, and baby ones. We saw alligators with 6-12 baby's (she growled at us as she slipped into the water). There were jumping fish and a ton of birds. The best part was that we went out at the crack of dawn in a canoe and we were the first out, totally alone, and miles out. What a beautiful experience.
Below is a pic of my new best friend. I say best friend because he didn't bite my leg off when I walked past him/her and didn't see him next to the sidewalk. I was about a foot away when I realized he/she was there and cool as a cucumber he/she just looked at me even after I screamed and jumped back.

These guys were the big ones. They like hanging out at the boat ramp near the visitor center for an easy exit back to the water if necessary. This was quite an intro into the park!

Another big guy hanging out in the grass. 
Paddling out to the remote prairie early in the morning. You can see an alligator to the left up ahead.

Great example of moss

Birds feeding in the prairie

The baby gators are so colorful!

Keeping a low profile.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Spring Flowers!

This is the fourth in a series of seven posts made during a 2017 US vacation. 

1. Joshua Tree
2. The Desert is Alive
3. Wide Open Spaces
4. Spring Flowers!
5. Gator Bait
6. Tornadoes and Car Trouble
7. Spirits in The Desert

Frankly, we've been thru so many states at this point I'm loosing track of where each photo was taken. Since the last post we made it through Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennesee, North Carolina, and were currently in South Carolina heading to Charleston then down to Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. Mostly pics but some notes on Mammoth Cave and a few other places below.


The scenic drive to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky was beautiful rolling green hills of the Amish countryside. Mammoth Cave was a big cave. The self-guided tour was very short and there wasn't much to see in the cave - It was big. We did take a tour of Frozen Niagra that was OK. Craig thought it looked like a mine shaft. The more interesting part of the place was the story about the tour guides.

"African Americans played a vital role in the development of cave tour routes and the visitor experience throughout the 19th and early 20th century. The first black guides were slaves and through their efforts opened up the golden age of cave exploration for Mammoth Cave. Their discoveries and story continues to live on within the avenues and guided tours of the cave today. While each slave guide eventually saw their freedom, their life was fraught with hardship in a time where the country was divided on their place in society. During their life they may have never realized the importance of their existence. However, today they are not viewed as slaves or lower class citizens. They are legends." More info https://www.nps.gov/maca/learn/historyculture/black-history.htm

Former Tour Guide Graveyard


The Blue Ridge Mountains were beautiful and spring was just getting started. Below you'll see a ton of flower pictures. The Mingus Mill was an old wheat and corn mill used by locals back in the day. 

Tennesee/North Carolina

Clingmans Dome was at the border of Tennesee and North Carolina. We made it up there early in the morning before the droves of people. It was cold and there was a bit of snow on the ground. It was nice to be up there alone though. Beautiful 360 degree view.

"At 6,643 feet, Clingmans Dome is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is the highest point in Tennessee, and the third highest mountain east of the Mississippi. Only Mt. Mitchell (6,684 feet) and Mt. Craig (6,647), both located in Mt. Mitchell State Park in western North Carolina, rise higher. The observation tower on the summit of Clingmans Dome offers spectacular 360° views of the Smokies and beyond for visitors willing to climb the steep half-mile walk to the tower at the top."

View from Clingmans Dome Tour

View from Clingmans Dome Tour

Smokemont Campground, North Carolina

Monday, April 10, 2017

Wide Open Spaces

This is the third in a series of seven posts made during a 2017 US vacation. 

1. Joshua Tree
2. The Desert is Alive
3. Wide Open Spaces
4. Spring Flowers!
5. Gator Bait
6. Tornadoes and Car Trouble
7. Spirits in The Desert
It’s been really nice to get away from the busy life at home.  There are still responsibilities but when there is only a 17-foot trailer and truck involved, all of the usual chores are minimized or don’t exist at all. Life is simple, life it good.

Very dry New Mexico
Carlsbad Caverns NM
The entire walk/hike is about 1.5 hours (approx. 1 mile around) with a descent of about 800 feet (there is an elevator back up but the hike back up wasn’t nearly as hard as we thought it would be). The temperature was a wonderful 56 degrees and very humid so it felt warmer. I struggle to describe Carlsbad Caverns, National Park. As with all national parks, it was amazing…they all have something truly unique. Carlsbad though is hard to describe and pictures do it no justice at all...but I'll try.

Walking into the huge opening that leads to the caverns we were greeted with hundreds of mud swallows pouring in-and-out of the cave entrance and their chorus of chirping (it was beautiful). Once down into the 800-foot cavern, we were in a very large enclosed stadium-sized space where the roof was anywhere from 200 to 500 feet above (there are also tiny spaces but that wasn’t part of the self-guided tour).  There were giant white stalactites hanging down up to about 50 feet. Some are as thin around as pencils and others, as large around as cars. On the ground are their mirror opposites, the stalagmites, shooting up towards the ceiling sometimes touching their counterparts (you can get an idea of the size from the first picture below. There is a red circle around a person).  There are some sections of the cavern where hundreds of stalactites hang down like the most beautiful crystal chandelier you’ve ever seen while in other sections they are gracefully draping like a piece of white silk fabric. The whole thing looks like something that Dr. Seuss would have dreamt up as his ideal crystal palace. As I said, pictures show nothing of it's amazing beauty and mass. 

Note the size of the stalactite size by the human on the right circled in red

Copper Creek State Park TX
After a short thunder and lightning storm, the clouds have parted and we are settling into a beautiful Texas sunset virtually alone at Copper Creek State Park. The park was named after its exposed rust colored hillsides. Lots of biking/riding/hiking trails.

Lake Eufaula State Park OK
“Craig, look at that Opossum over there….wait, that’s an Armadillo! Quick, get the camera”. This place is lousy with wildlife. We woke in the morning to a chorus of birds and other wild things. (see pics below). I take back all of my disparaging remarks about Oklahoma being flat and boring. In case you’re wondering Eufaula is a Creek word for “the gathering place”.

Camping at Lake Eufaula State Park

Apparently, Oklahoma has a problem with wild hogs

Horse Shoe Canyon AR
Arkansas is a beautiful state. Everyone told us that and we agree. It's hilly, rocky, wet, and green. We didn't get to spend a lot of time there but we did find this great ranch to stay at for the night in Horse Shoe Canyon. The place was bought to create a "dude" ranch but they were soon overtaken with climbers because of the great climbing rocks that surround the ranch (you can see some of it in the picture below). At night they let loose all of the approx 20 horses. Along with the dozens of goats...it was quite a sight as they surrounded our trailer.  

Horse Shoe Ranch AR

Deb climbing
Craig Climbing

Dad and Yvonne's House in Missouri

Target Shooting off the deck